Accessing a Departmental Public Folder (Web App or Desktop App)
Modified on: Wed, Jun 5 2024 1:48 PMMethod 1: Outlook Web App
In the web-based Outlook, right-click on Folders, and select Add Public Folder to Favorites:
On the Add a Public Folder page, expand All Public folders and select the inbox you want to add to your Favorites. Then click on the Add Public Folder button at the very top:
Repeat for each folder you would like to add.
In order to Send As the public folder mailbox in OWA, please follow these steps:
Open a New > Mail, and click on Options from the Toolbar. Check the box for "Show: From":
In the "From" field of your new email, click on the down-arrow and select "Other email address...":
Manually type the email address of the Public Folder mailbox you would like to Send As. After the first time, that address will appear in the From drop-down menu.
Method 2: Desktop Outlook App
In order to do it on the desktop app, first click on the More Apps icon on the left-hand side, and select Folders:
Expand the All Public Folders, and locate the desired folder. Right-click on it, and select Add to Favorites. Edit the Favorite Folder name if you wish, and click Add. This will add this folder to your Public Folders Favorites.
Collapse All Public Folders, and locate your Public Folders Favorites. Right-click again on the desired folder, and again select Add to Favorites. It will now appear in your Mailbox Favorites.
For Adding or Removing Members of a Public Folder mailbox, please use the "Member changes on Shared Mailbox / Public Folder email" Service Request form at