All emails sent to will be stored here as drafts
Changing Your Password
This procedure is intended to guide both new Users who are logging in for the first time, as well as existing Users who would like to change their Current password. For your initial login, please either use a District workstation on campus, or open a web browser and go to the Microsoft 365 Web Portal, which provides access to your District email, and provides web-based access to all of the Microsoft 365 applications including Word, Excel, Teams, and quite a bit more. That login page can be reached at New employees should receive their User Name, District email address, and the initial temporary password directly from their Reports To Supervisor. The User Name will be the first part of your District email address, which is typically something along the lines of your first initial, followed by your last name, for example jsmith. Once a user has logged in for the first time, using the temporary password provided to their Reports To by the IT Dept, they will then be prompted to create a new, complex password of their own. When logging in using a District workstation, only the User Name (ie jsmith) can be used. However, when logging in online at the 365 Portal, the full District email address (ie is required. Existing users who cannot recall their current password and require a password reset will either need to go to and "Report an IT Issue", or call the ITS Help Desk at 619-388-7000 to receive a temporary password directly from the IT department. You will not be able to reset your password yourself if you do not know the current password. All District email passwords must be comprised of at least 12 characters, and must include at least three of the four different character-types: Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Numbers, or Symbols. The user will first be asked to enter their “Current password” (AKA the temporary password), followed by their new password, and then also to confirm that new password. In many instances, the user will be required to also setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) during this process as well. A variety of MFA verification options will be provided to choose from, including a call or text message to your cell phone number, a call to either your Office or Home phone number, or by installing the Microsoft Authenticator App on your cell phone. There are two methods you can use in order to change an existing password, assuming you know the current password. This can be accomplished either by logging into any District Workstation, or by logging in to the Microsoft 365 Portal at On a District Workstation: Once you are signed into a District workstation, hit the Control-Alt-Delete buttons. This will bring up the following options: Lock, Switch users, Sign out, Change a password, Task Manager, or Cancel. Select Change a password. You will first be asked to enter your “Current password”, followed by your new password, and then also to confirm that new password. Additional MFA validation may also be required. On the Microsoft 365 Portal: Once you have logged in at, click on the Settings icon in the upper-right corner, it looks like a circular gear. Click on "Change your password ->" in the Settings panel. You will first be asked to enter your “Old password”, followed by your new password, and then also to confirm that new password. Additional MFA validation may also be required.
Distribution List Management
Distribution List Management 1) Right click on an empty spot on your desktop, and select “New”, followed by “Shortcut”: 2) Copy this, and then Paste it into the “Type the location of the item:” box, and then click Next: C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe dsquery,OpenQueryWindow 3) Name the Shortcut “DL Management”, and then click Finish. 4) Double-click on your newly created DL Management shortcut or 5) In the “Name” field, please enter the name of one of the Distribution List’s you are an owner of, and click the “Find Now” button: 6) The DL you entered should appear in the Search Results box below: 7) Double-click on your DL List, and you should see where to add or remove users. **NOTE: PLEASE leave the Description box blank!!!** 8) When finished adding or removing Users, click OK or Apply to save the changes.
Connecting Mobile Device to Receive District Email (iPhone)
Before you can use your mobile device with SDCCD's Exchange Service, you must have an OMA compatible device that is capable of using the Microsoft Active Sync services. Each device can be different so finding where to enter the information may be different for each person. Click on the "Settings" icon. Scroll down and locate the "Mail" application. Select "Accounts". Select "Add account". Select "Microsoft Exchange". Enter your full District email address. You can edit the Description field as you see fit. Click Next. You will see a prompt, asking if you want to "Configure Manually", or "Sign in". Select "Sign in". You will be taken to a Microsoft login page. Enter your full District email address, and your password. If prompted, "Allow" access. Once signed in successfully, click "Save"
Accessing a Departmental Public Folder (Web App or Desktop App)
Method 1: Outlook Web App In the web-based Outlook, right-click on Folders, and select Add Public Folder to Favorites: On the Add a Public Folder page, expand All Public folders and select the inbox you want to add to your Favorites. Then click on the Add Public Folder button at the very top: Repeat for each folder you would like to add. In order to Send As the public folder mailbox in OWA, please follow these steps: Open a New > Mail, and click on Options from the Toolbar. Check the box for "Show: From": In the "From" field of your new email, click on the down-arrow and select "Other email address...": Manually type the email address of the Public Folder mailbox you would like to Send As. After the first time, that address will appear in the From drop-down menu. Method 2: Desktop Outlook App In order to do it on the desktop app, first click on the More Apps icon on the left-hand side, and select Folders: Expand the All Public Folders, and locate the desired folder. Right-click on it, and select Add to Favorites. Edit the Favorite Folder name if you wish, and click Add. This will add this folder to your Public Folders Favorites. Collapse All Public Folders, and locate your Public Folders Favorites. Right-click again on the desired folder, and again select Add to Favorites. It will now appear in your Mailbox Favorites. For Adding or Removing Members of a Public Folder mailbox, please use the "Member changes on Shared Mailbox / Public Folder email" Service Request form at
Outlook continually prompts for your password when you try to connect to Microsoft 365
Symptoms When you try to create an Outlook profile or connect to a Microsoft 365 mailbox, you're continually prompted for credentials while the client displays a "trying to connect..." message. If you cancel the credentials prompt, you receive the following error message: The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. Cause This issue can occur if the Logon network security setting on the Security tab of the Microsoft Exchange dialog box is set to a value other than Anonymous Authentication. Resolution Note Microsoft Outlook 2016 and some recent builds of Outlook 2013 are not affected by this issue. Those versions have been updated to prevent the problem that is described in the "Symptoms" section. These versions have the Logon network security setting disabled or removed from the Microsoft Exchange email account settings. For newer versions of Outlook Run a self-diagnostics tool You may be a Microsoft 365 customer who is experiencing the error that is described in the "Symptoms" section when you try to connect to an Exchange Online mailbox. You may also already be running newer versions of Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016. If both conditions are true, you can run diagnostics to determine the issue that might cause the error. The diagnostics will perform automated checks and provide possible solutions to fix the detected issue. Select Diag: Outlook keeps asking for my password to launch the diagnostic. Click below to download this tool. Diag: Outlook keeps asking for my password If you are connecting to an Exchange On-Premises mailbox, see the following articles for additional troubleshooting: Outlook prompts for password when Modern Authentication is enabled Additionally, you can view the following forum thread for common causes: Why does Outlook keep prompting for password For affected versions of Outlook If you have an older version of Outlook, change the Logon network security setting to Anonymous Authentication to fix this issue. To do this, follow these steps: Exit Outlook. Open Control Panel, and then do one of the following: In Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7, click Start, type control panel in the search box, and then press Enter. In Windows 8, swipe in from the right side to open the charms, tap or click Search, and then type control panel in the search box. Or, type control panel at the Start screen, and then tap or click Control Panel in the search results. In Control Panel, locate and double-click Mail. Click Show Profiles, select your Outlook profile, and then click Properties. Click E-mail Accounts. Select your email account, and then click Change. In the Change Account dialog box, click More Settings. In the Microsoft Exchange dialog box, select the Security tab. On the Logon network security list, select Anonymous Authentication, and then click OK. Click Next, click Finish, and then click Close on the Account Settings dialog box. Click Close on the Mail Setup dialog box, and then click OK to close the Mail control panel. More information To locate and view the registry setting for Anonymous Authentication in the Outlook profile, follow these steps. Important Modifying the Outlook profile by using the "Profiles" registry path is not supported and may cause your Outlook profile to be in an unsupported state. Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you access it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur. Open the Registry Editor. In Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 8, press the Windows logo key+R to open the Run dialog box, type regedit.exe, and then click OK. In Windows 7, click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press Enter. If you're prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow. Locate the registry path appropriate for your version of Outlook: For Outlook 2013 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles For Outlook 2010 and 2007 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles Under this subkey, locate and expand the name of your Outlook profile. Under the profile, locate and expand the 9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 key. Under the 9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 key, you see a subkey for each account in your profile. Select the first subfolder (00000001), and then examine the data of the Account Name binary value by double-clicking the value. Repeat this process until you find the Account Name value that includes your SMTP address. For example, the Account Name value points to under the \00000003 subkey. Under the \0000000x subkey, locate the Service UID binary value. It represents a GUID (for example, c3 d1 9a 7b 80 1b c4 4a 96 0a e5 b6 3b f9 7c 7e). Locate the subfolder in your profile that matches the GUID value identified in step 6 (for example, \c3d19a7b801bc44a960ae5b63bf97c7e). Under the subfolder that you found in step 7, examine the 01023d0d binary value. It represents a GUID (for example, 5f cf d5 f1 ba 5c 6f 45 b3 57 cc 5e 0d 16 94 58). Locate the subfolder in your profile that matches the GUID value identified in step 8 (for example, \5fcfd5f1ba5c6f45b357cc5e0d169458). Under the subkey found in step 9, examine the value of the 00036619 binary value. This value determines whether Outlook is using Anonymous Authentication. Binary: 00036619 Data: 01 f0 00 80 == Anonymous Authentication Any other value represents an authentication method other than Anonymous.
How to Send As a Public Folder From Desktop Outlook
Public Folders work a little different from your personal Exchange account. The biggest difference is that you manually have to tell it to use a From address and you also have to include the public folder email address as one of the recipients (I typically use the CC field for this) or you will not have a copy of your reply saved in the public folder. To set up your Outlook to be able to Send As the name the public folder follow the below steps. • Open a new email • Click Options • Then click Show From and you will see the From field added to your email window • Type in the email address or display name of the public folder in the From field at any time BEFORE clicking Send.
New WiFi Login (Android Quick Guide)
SDCCD Quick Guide to Android Phone New WiFi Login Basic Instructions: Choose SDCCD-CAMPUS-CONNECT Student: 10-digit Student ID # and Student Password Staff: Employee/School Email and Password Login Steps: (Please note: Android phones vary on login verbiage depending on make, model, and software version.) 1. EAP Method: PEAP 2. Identity: Your credentials (see Basic Instructions) Password: Your Password 3. CA Certificate: Don't Validate, or Trust on first use (TOFU) Domain: SDCCD (this example did not ask for it) 4. Phase 2 Authentication: Please leave with the default answers.
HOW DO I LOGIN AND ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT? Browse to Select Activate Login using your SDCCD email and login information. Please contact for any issues accessing your SDCCD network login information. WHAT IS MY USERNAME AND PASSWORD? SDCCD network/email username and password. I’M NEW TO ZOOM WHERE SHOULD I START? Be sure to check out the Zoom Faculty Guide. It includes tips for preparing and managing meetings, testing, and how to start a meeting. HOW TO ENABLE ZOOM IN CANVAS Log into your SDCCD Zoom account. In the same browser, log into your Canvas account. In Canvas, open the course where you want to add Zoom. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Click the Navigation tab. In the list of course navigation menu options, select the SDCCD Zoom option. Click the Options icon and select the Enable option. Click the Save button. View the Zoom link in Course Navigation. Note: When accessing Zoom for the first time in the course navigation, you may need to click the Authorize button to proceed.
How to save and submit a suspicious email.
Open the email in your web Outlook and click on the ... near the top right of the email. Click the option that says Save as If you get the below message click Keep and it will be saved where your downloads typically go. The form to use is found in our service desk site at You will need to log in to access the form Use your full sdccd email address and password. Submitting it this way allows our technicians to see information that is not normally seen to better research and purge emails.
Requirements for requesting access to 3rd party app
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING THE REQUEST! Before we can review your request for access and/or approval to set up an application on our network, please obtain a SOC2 Audit Report from the vendor, and have the attached HECVAT form filled out by both the Requestor and the Vendor. This will apply to all applications, especially ones that collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data. Here is additional info on what SOC2 is: The Service Organization Control (SOC) compliance guides organizations on best practices on the storage, processes, and the transmission of customer (student) data. The criteria and controls are defined by the reporting controls. Assessment is based on the following: Privacy: This category evaluates the organization's controls for the collection, use, retention, disclosure, and disposal of personal information in accordance with the organization's privacy notice, regulatory requirements, and commitments to customers. Confidentiality: It concerns the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or use. It assesses the organization's controls related to data privacy. Processing Integrity: This category evaluates the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, and validity of data processing, ensuring that data is processed correctly and as intended. Security: This category focuses on the protection of information systems against unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and potential damage. Availability: It assesses the availability of the organization's systems, infrastructure, and services, ensuring they are reliable and accessible for operation as agreed upon or required. Finally, the SOC 2 audit reveals the organization's controls and processes; assesses their design and effectiveness; and issues a report detailing the findings. The report can be shared with customers, like SDCCD, to provide assurance about the organization's commitment to protecting customer (student) data and meeting relevant security and privacy requirements. These changes are to help SDCCD ensure the security of our various stakeholders. Use Request for Access to 3rd Party App once you have the information collected.