
Creating a network shortcut on your office computer

Modified on: Thu, Dec 12 2024 7:03 AM

Our system only allows automatic mapping of the G drive to your primary location.  If you need access to another campuses directory then you will need to create a shortcut for access to it.  The department you need access to will first need to request access then when they tell you it has been granted they should provide you with the path needed to create a shortcut.  With that path you can follow the below instructions.

  • Minimize all open documents and programs to get to your desktop
  • Right click in an empty spot on your desktop

  • Scroll down to New then left click on Shortcut

  • Where it asks for the path to the location, copy and paste link they provided

  • Click Next

  • Give it a name

  • Click Finish

**NOTE** If you want to have access no mater which district office computer you are logged in on copy the shortcut you just created then paste it in to your H drive, if you have one!

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