Connecting Mobile Device to Receive District Email (iPhone)
Modified on: Fri, Jun 2 2023 3:04 PMBefore you can use your mobile device with SDCCD's Exchange Service, you must have an OMA compatible device that is capable of using the Microsoft Active Sync services.
Each device can be different so finding where to enter the information may be different for each person.
Click on the "Settings" icon.
Scroll down and locate the "Mail" application.
Select "Accounts".
Select "Add account".
Select "Microsoft Exchange".
Enter your full District email address. You can edit the Description field as you see fit. Click Next.
You will see a prompt, asking if you want to "Configure Manually", or "Sign in". Select "Sign in".
You will be taken to a Microsoft login page. Enter your full District email address, and your password.
If prompted, "Allow" access.
Once signed in successfully, click "Save"